Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Main Dude

Groupies, fans and roadies! I got down and dirty with old photoshop today. Don't wont to get too rusty now that some new covers soon need to be made (H-ll yeah I'm making them myself!) for the upcoming record. So today I've made some clip art of my main Dude Jesus CHRIST. Came out sweet I think, you can most DEF see who it is. Feel free to us it but be sure to pop me a link or two.

Stay cool /the KING

1 comment:

  1. My Dear Artist!

    I am an experienced Art Critic and I was moved by your work! So moved, in fact, that I have subjected it to a critical review in my online journal, "From An Artistical Point Of View".

    In short, you're no good at all.

    Thank you,

